
Add GDPR-Compliant Checkbox for WooCommerce

If you live in EU, you will know about GDPR requirements. WooCommerce’s privacy notice on payment page is not GDPR-compliant. By enabling this feature, you will make your WooCommerce payment page GDPR-Compliant with peace of mind.

This feature will allow you to add a really GDPR-Compliant checkbox to your WooCommerce shop payment page. A simple checkbox will not create excessive friction, nor negatively impact on the purchase experience, and keep you safe from authority sanction. If you are in the USA or by any mean exempt from GDPR, you can use this feature to alternatively show any custom checkbox with a link.

Open the plug-in settings page and enter all the relevant information as shown in the picture, remember to add the styling for the added checkbox, and you are good to go. The GDPR-Compliant checkbox will show on your payment page. Remember that you may want to hide via CSS the WooCommerce notice.

add gdpr-compliant checkbox for woocommerce
add gdpr-compliant checkbox for woocommerce